Sounding Board Session
River Guide, Esq. is a safe space where you can design and navigate your legal career alongside a seasoned lawyer who will listen and help safely guide you toward a fulfilling, legal career.
Having a colleague to bounce ideas off, discuss designing a career path, and how to reach potential clients can be a game-changer for up-and-coming attorneys. It's a relationship not really discussed about in law school or in the legal field.
Would you like to:
Have a colleague to bounce ideas off of? The Consult service might be a good place to begin.
Walk through a career design thinking process with someone who has paddled that river? Design Your Career can help guide you through that process.
Become an expert in your practice area? Become the Expert will guide you through the self-published book process.
River Guide, Esq. is your resource to help parse questions, have valuable conversations, process career decisions, and communicatre your expertise. Click on Services below to learn more.
Up-and-coming law students, clients, colleagues, friends, and friends-of-friends often reach out to ask about my experiences or talk with me as they are navigating decisions.
"Can I get your input on a business idea?"
"Would you mind talking with me about your career experience?"
"How can I succeed in law school?"
"Can I ask you a question?"
Sometimes we just need someone to bounce ideas off of to help process them. This service helps to provide a space for you to ask questions as you vet and process ideas.
Sounding Board session: The same price you bill or are paid an hour of your time.

Design Your Career Partner
Identify a pathway that is complimentary to your life. In these sessions we'lll paddle through the book Desigining Your Life: How to Build a Well-lived, Joyful Life (Burnett & Evans). Learn how the design thinking process relates to your career. Discover a place where you can thrive. Define opportunities. Create that opportunity and then we'll evaluate results and how they might be improved upon for safe passage back to discovery. Design thinking is a continual learning loop, so you don't get stuck on a bank or caught in the rapids of survival.

Be the Expert
Be the Expert is here to offer you experienced guidance as you navigate your self-publishing journey.
One of the best-differentiating things I have done in my career is to write books. Initially meant as a client resource, they have inadvertently brought business to my desk. My books have been discovered by the ETA community, podcasters, and universities.
I'll help navigate you down the self-published water. Here's the Deal, Before You Leap, and Rain Catcher are self-published books which are distributed through Amazon. They are print on demand and because of that, I have no inventory and no time consumed with shipping.